Educator Spotlight: Jacqueline Johnson

16 May, 2023

Educator Spotlight: Jacqueline Johnson
“I have been a Family and Consumer Sciences educator for 29 years, after career switching from the Business field. I can remember incorporating some computer science competencies into my middle school lessons, years ago. It seems like it’s gone away. This was my first year teaching cybersecurity. I had very little knowledge beforehand. Once I got into it, I found it was something I really liked. I realized I had to know some computer science. My students and I had to learn some things together. What we don’t know, the students don’t mind sharing. They’ve grown up with technology.
Cybersecurity is considered a “non-traditional” field for women. But I’ve learned just how powerful women have been in computer science fields. I’m really excited about where women and girls can go now. I am actively encouraging my girls to get into this field. There are a lot of opportunities for them. I was rejuvenated by the recent CAPWIC conference and I’m headed to the Technology Students Association conference this year in Kentucky, to continue my learning.
A few years ago I would have been afraid of computer science – but now, we have sewing machines and kitchen equipment that use computer science – it’s in everything.
I would tell other teachers who might be intimidated by CS that It’s not as scary as it seems. I’m glad I had this opportunity to teach this course, because I had more exposure to CS. Once the kids get a grasp….that’s it!”
 Jacqueline Johnson has been an educator in Virginia for nearly 30 years. As a Family and Consumer Science teacher at the middle and high school levels, she taught her first CS CTE course this year and has become inspired! Ms. Johnson’s students are fortunate to have her as their teacher and mentor, as she soaks up new learning and resources to bring back to inspire her students to enter computing related careers.