Educators FAQ

Don’t see the answer to your question? Email [email protected]

Are the professional learning courses really free?

Yes, all of our courses are free for public school educators. However, CodeVA does not cover the costs of travel and living expenses. Educators from outside of Virginia or those not employed by a public school division do have to pay a fee to attend; Learn more here.

I’ve never coded before. Is experience required?

Not having any coding experience is perfectly fine! Our programs are designed to support both novices and experienced educators. Also, computer science is not just coding. Our courses will cover coding, but you’ll also learn the fundamentals of what computer science is, such as algorithms, binary, and much more!

I already know how to code. Why do I need this training?

Computer science is more than just coding. It’s about breaking down problems and finding the best solutions to solve those problems. During our courses, we’ll show you the best methods to your students this complex, but rewarding topic. Our courses also include free curriculum and resources.

Can I use a Tablet?

No, the programming environments used require the use of a laptop or Chromebook.

How can I add on a Computer Science Endorsement?

There are two routes to the add on endorsement – a Praxis exam or college coursework.

How do I learn more about the CS Ready Schools Program?

We are thrilled that you want to learn more about CS Ready and how you can get involved. Check out our CS Ready Schools page for more information or submit a submit a Connection Request to talk to someone directly.

What other programs and grants are available for me?

In partnership with the Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission, Code Virginia is able to offer stipends for eligible public school educators participating in CodeVA’s Educator Programs.
The stipends are available for ten and eleven-month employees employed by the 40 VA school divisions inside the Tobacco Commission service region. Stipend payments apply to our live & asynchronous courses, and workshops offered in-person at CodeVA sponsored events, including the Amazon CS Ready Schools Program participation.
How to Access TR Stipends:
  1. REGISTER for one or more CodeVA PD offerings;
  2. Complete a W-9 form, sent to you by our HR department;
  3. Participate in/Complete your session(s)/course(s);
  4. Stipends are mailed in May, September and January.

Any Questions?

If you are interested in Teacher Training or have any questions, email us at [email protected]

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