Student Programs

Eureka LogoEureka Workshop is the student programming arm of our organization. It aids CodeVA’s mission in getting students (and their parents) excited about computational thinking and the theories behind Computer Science.

Eureka Workshop is the children’s programming arm of our organization. Eureka Workshop aids CodeVA’s mission in getting students and families excited about computational thinking and foundational concepts behind Computer Science.

Our direct student programs include out-of-school classes, workshops, summer camps, community events, and after-school programs to playfully engage students in learning about computer science and STEAM. All of Eureka Workshop’s courses are arts-integrated because we believe that creative problem solving is key in connecting with computer science concepts and understanding methods of computational thinking. By using art projects to introduce these concepts, we work to break down any preconceptions about coding or programming while fostering creative thinking.


2018 Summer Camp by the Numbers

What’s your favorite part about summer camp?

My favorite part about CodeVA summer camps is that they teach me computer programming skills and they’re not too easy or hard and they’re really fun!

– Aidan Vick

Did you know...

That CodeVA provides free professional development workshops for all teachers who want to incorporate computer science concepts into their curriculum?

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